Recently I was asked why I wrote historical romance. My answer, because I love it. Okay that's fabulous, but why?
I've always held a fascination with history...another world filled with things that are so different and enchanting compared to the everyday life I lead in the present. History takes you to another place, almost like another world. Even the unpleasant things hold me fast...like hygiene and how they wiped after using the privy, or the different forms of torture in the dungeon. They lived by a different code, they believed in magic and lore, things were done so differently. Knights in armor, ladies in gowns, kings, queens, nobles, aristocrats, society, court, the ton, scandal, castles, feasts, house parties, tournmanents, conquests, villages, horses, little pollution, no electricity, peace and yet so much unrest.
As for romance, it sweeps you away, whips you up in the circle and power of love and the interactions between men and women. There's that charge you get when they first meet and you just know they HAVE to end up together. You feel the intensity burn as they kiss for the first time...and then conflict happens and they are ripped apart either from their own doing or by some outside force and you just pray and plead with no one in particular for them to get back together, and when they do...SIGH of all sighs, it is glorious!
When you add the combination of another world with the power of love, you get historical romance, a place you can completely escape to, with eyes wide, mouth parted and fingers clutching the pages of your book or e-reader.
So why do I read and write romance, simple, because I love history and I love love :)
Why does historical romance hold your fancy?
Eliza Knight is the author of sizzling historical romance and Highlander erotic time-travel. She is also the author of the award-winning blog, History Undressed. Visit her at www.elizaknight.com for more information on her releases, contest, workshops and critique services.
Great post, Michelle! I love historical romance because it takes me back to another time and place, and I love the emotions captured in these books. The thrill of discovery, of growing awareness of one's feelings, the moment when the hero realizes his feelings run deep for the heroine, so deep he'd risk it all for her...these are some of the things I love about historical romance.
I agree with everything you said in your post. Luckily for me I live in the world where my stores come from - I live where that first gold nugget was found that started the 1849 gold rush. Around me I find living history that even makes it more fun. And, of course, love is the best spice to add.
Hi Eliza!
Another wonderful post!! :o)
I love historicals! They're an escape. LOL No kids crying at you in an historical, they'd be with the nurse! LOL I love being transported to a simpler time. It was just a boy meeting a girl- no texting or Iming. *heehee* I want those dashing rogues and the spunky ladies who give those gents heck.
Thanks, Eliza! I love your posts.
Everyone's in such a hurry these days! I think that's one of the reasons historical romance appeals to me. Even though our ancestors didn't have the modern conveniences we have today, they seemed to appreciate life more and take time to smell the roses. I love reading and writing historicals!
Wow, Eliza! Even your blogs are poetic and wildly romantic. *sigh*
I got hooked on Historicals with Teresa Mederios. She's my fav. I can't imagine writing anything else.
I love this blog, Eliza. Yes, I agree...I love being transported to a different time and place, no matter the circumstances of the hero and heroine and the feeling of being there and seeing them interact in their world. And I love the love and the ways they interact together. It is simply the most beautiful, lyrical, delicate pageant of all.
Same as you, when I first started reading romance, I was immediately drawn to the historicals. Contemporaries were just too much like my real life. I wanted pure escape. Another particular favorite of mine were the historical time travels. I loved seeing a heroine, or hero, from our time interacting with historical characters, learning to live among them and falling in love with someone from the past. And as a result, I've written my very own time travel, Erin's Rebel, which will be released on July 17th.
I too have always been fascinated with the how's and what's of daily life of those people throughout history. I can sometime imagine myself living in the 1700's - seems exciting to me. It's amazing to me how far we've come.
I love your blog! All the best!
History chose me at a young age. So I've always read historical novel.
I was lucky enough to grow up with a sense of community and history from the stories I heard my family tell. So writing historical romance gives me the opportunity pass on stories of who we are and where we come from.
Also, I think knowing the past in important. You know Koko the gorilla who learned sign language? When she signs "the past" she motions in front of her, when she signs "the future" she motions behind her, as we can see what in front (the past) but can't see behind us (the future). So how can we know where we want to go in the future unless we have some idea of our past?
I'm with you there, Eliza! For me historical romance or historical paranormal romances are an even greater escape than a contemporary romance would be. It's a different world, different rules and beliefs. Different language, dress, etc.
Terrific post. Reading and writing historical romance is the closest I can come to being there. :)
Our rational selves know history lacked so much we take for granted--medicines, deoderant, quick meals--that love was often the province of poets and troubadours, pushed to the wayside for dynastic marriages and personal gain, and being a strong woman in an era when men ruled with iron fists could prove difficult. Even so, our optomistic hearts know these women would have found a way despite the obstacles just living forced upon them.
History begs the 'what if' question that drives many writers. It is the time of dragons and fairies and the legends we loved as children.
There is magic to be found there, and what greater magic than true love?
Kathleen Woodiwiss hooked me. I melt at the sight of a man in period clothing! It's the romance of another time where men were men and women were very happy about it!(G) Cheryl Smith
Enjoyed reading the comments. I love to read historical romance because I like happy endings and I like to read about different eras and what happened during them.
JWIsley (AT) aol (DOT) com
Thank you all for your fabulous comments!!!
I'm off to another world of enchantment...Disney! Can I just say how excited I am to see the Cinderella castle????
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