Polygamy was a commonplace occurrence in the earliest, war-torn times throughout civilization, a practicality, to provide for the many widows who otherwise would have starved to death along with their children. A warrior with many wives served the social needs of his tribe by taking responsibility for the families of his dead soldiers. In Anglo-Saxon society, a widow was expected to throw herself on her husband's pyre.
As necessity waned, polygamy in Celtic society disappeared and, with the conversion to Christianity in Celtic countries by the 6th-7th centuries, was no longer acceptable. In Cymru, some monastic Celtic Church clergy continued to marry until the late 12th century. In Ireland, polygamy continued for some time after the conversion to the Christian church.
In Cymru, the first degree of marriage was priodas(pree-O-das) – the partnership of a man and woman of equal financial position. In this form of marriage, a catalogue of goods is made and shared between the partners for the good of the household.
The second form is agwedi (aG-WED-ee). The woman brings a lesser amount or no property to the partnership.
The third form of marriage is caradas (car-A-das), from the word caru (car-ee)to love. In Cymru, this is when a man lives with a woman with her kin's consent. In Ireland, the third form is the man who has nothing to offer to the wealth of the household. She must love him very much!
The fourth form of marriage in Cymru, deu lysuab (day lees-EE-ab), having no equivalent in Irish marriage law, is the union of two persons related by the marriage of their respective parents, i.e., stepbrother and stepsister. The word llys (ll [an aspirated l] = llees) refers to a court of law; a legal relationship).
The fourth form in Ireland is lánamnas fir thathigthe (sorry, my limited Gaelic won't help with this pronunciation) – a man is given permission to live with a woman with her kin's consent. This is the same as the third form in Cymru.
The fifth type of marital union is called llathlut goleu (llAHth-leet go-lay) means 'open connection' – two people chose to live together openly without the consent of the woman's kin.
Number six on the Celtic wedding hit parade is llathlut twyll (llATth-leet tOO-eell [aspirated l]). An independent-minded woman allows herself to be abducted by a man or is visited by a man in secret without the knowledge of her kin.
Beichogi twyll gwraig lwyn a pherth (bay-CHO[hard CH as in loch]-ee too-eell gur-eyeg loo-een ah phair-th) is number seven, literally "to impregnate a woman between loins and hedge". This is a double entendre as llwyn also means hedge. It can be taken to mean "to make love in the hedgerows".
The eighth form, cynnywedi ar liw ac ar oleu (cun-ee-WED-ee ahr loo ahk ahr O-lay), as well as the nineth, rough literal translation: "to join by color and by light", a union by abduction of a woman without her consent.
Twyll morwyn (tOO-eell MOR-ooeen) is the nineth form of marriage, leading on from the eighth, a marriage by rape. In Ireland, there was a different nineth form: lánamnas genaige – a union of two insane people.
The above are forms of legal marital status, as we use 'common law' or 'civil partnership'. There are many customs and rituals associated with the wedding ceremony and early weeks of a marriage, such as the mis mêl. But I’ll save those for another time.
Photo: Abaty Tintern Abbey, copyright: The Author
At least the woman had some say so in a few of these.
I love the freedoms granted to women in Celtic societies. Not only could they marry whom they chose, they could divorce, own property, be warriors--and their were some famous women warriors. They could even be the ruler of their people! Still and all, I love what you describe of Welsh marriage laws. I've frequently lifted eyebrows over the Irish 9th form of marriage--I mean, you've just got to love them. They even make provisions for insane people. I love your posts, Lily.
Fascinating post! Thank you,
Laura Davies Tilley
Wow. Marriage by rape. That sounds awful!! Interesting and enlightening. Thanks for sharing from your wealth of knowledge.
Lily, what an amazing post! I have never heard of these laws so this is completely fascinating to me!
The Irish are a fascinating lot with the marriage of insane people.
At least a woman could meet a man in secret without being considered a harlot!
Thank you for the wonderful information!
@Marsha Lytle
As Donna has pointed out in her comment, women in Celtic societies were treated closer to equals than by their contemporary Saxon or Viking counterparts, or most of the other contemporary and even modern societies. Thank you for responding.
@Donna Goode
One of my favorite observations by a Roman around the 3rd century was the one I quoted in the article about coupling with the best. If anyone knows who the observer was, please let me know. I have it somewhere but could I find it?
Celtic Queens (http://celticqueens.blogspot.com)hasso much information about women in Celtic culture, I'm delighted to add a tiny portion to the wealth you and Lisa prepare throughout the year. Buddug (Boudicia) is high on the Celtic Queen blog list right now and the information there is brilliant.
Thank you for stopping by, Donna and for the kind words.
Thank you for taking the time to read this article. I appreciate it.
@Michelle Muse
Well, marriage by rape is better than what happened to women in Saxon society: a raped woman was held accountable for her part in the assault - does that sound familiar? "She shouldn't have been there." "She shouldn't have worn that." Etc.
I'm so glad you came by to have a read.
Thank you for being here. I'm glad you found this information useful. As you know, I have used some of these forms of marriage in Traitor's Daughter. I also use others in my newly completed novel, The Gatekeeper, in my series: Pendyffryn: The Conquerors.
Thank you very much, Lizzie, for taking the time to visit here. I know you and everyone else who has read and commented are inundated with information.
Thank you and I hope you'll visit again on the 29th of June.
Fondest regards,
Great informative blog!
Thank you. I'm glad you thought so. There is so much available, it's a pleasure to share.
thank you for commenting.
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