
Monday, August 8, 2011

A Way With Words

Since both my novels, In Sunshine or in Shadow and Coming Home, are set in Ireland, it’s safe to say I’ve had a deep love for all things Irish for a long time. I love the music, the myths and legends, the soft mist that hangs over the mountains. But most of all I love the people, and their unique way with words. Some call it blarney, some the “gift of the gab.” I just call it magic.

So today I decided to share a few of my favorite Irish proberbs.

It’s a fine day for young ducks

Distant hills look green.

There’s hope from the ocean, but none from the grave. ~ An emigrant’s proverb.

Melodious is the closed mouth.

Every man’s mind is his kingdom.

There is no need like the lack of a friend.

The man who pays the piper calls the tune.

He who has water and peat on his own farm has the world his own way.

The older the fiddle, the sweeter the tune.

It’s not a delay to stop and sharpen the scythe.

Credit Island Ireland, an Internet guide to Irish art, culture and environment.

Seduced by History Blog is hosting a month-long contest in August.  One winner will receive a ‘basketful of goodies.’  All you have to do is check in on each blog during the month, look for a contest question to answer and September 1-5, 2011 send in your answers to

Prizes award to one lucky winner include:  Victoria Gray’s book "Angel in My Arms",  "Spirit of the Mountain" package from Paty Jager,  Cynthia Owens’s book  "Coming Home",  a Kansas basket from Renee Scott, Anna Kathryn Lanier’s ebook “Salvation Bride and gift basket, “Stringing Beads - Musings of a Romance Writer” by Debra K. Maher,  Eliza Knight’s ebooks “A Pirate’s Bounty” and “A Lady’s Charade”,  Anne Carrole’s book (that's my book:) “Return to Wayback,” a 4 gb jump drive, a $25 Barnes and Noble gift card, and more!

All entries must be received by midnight Monday, September 5, 2011 to be eligible for the drawing. A winner will be chosen from all those eligible on or about September 6, 2011 and contacted by email.  Odds of winning will depend on the number of total number of entries received.
So here's my question, and it's an easy one: What are some of your favorite proverbs, sayings, or words of wisdom, and where do they come from?

1 comment:

  1. What a beautiful post, Cynthia! I'd love to visit Ireland someday.
