
Thursday, July 15, 2010

Love's Fortress

I'm in the middle of making a video for my upcoming release, Love's Fortress, Book Seven in my Regency series Brothers In Arms. Well, I'm not making the video. Creations by Kendra is making it. But we're going back and forth about images and such.

I know Terry talked about historical accuracy in the last post, so I hope I'm not being redundant. But my emails with Kendra have that very topic on my mind. The thing is, she found an excellent royalty free photo of a castle/fortress. My hero's war experience on the Peninsula, particularly the second siege of Badajoz, are very important in the story. So Kendra wanted to put an image of a fortress in the video. Great idea. But this image is not Badajoz. I told her to use it. It's a great photo and it gets the idea across with a visual pop, even if it's not Badajoz.

And that is how I treat my writing, too. I do a great deal of research. I have a Master's in history. I used to teach it for ten years. But if I think of something that will convey a major plot point or character development, I'm going to use it. Because I'm writing historical romantic fiction and, for me, the story and characters are more important than exact historical accuracy. Don't get me wrong. Whenever possible I try to stay true to my time period and research. But sometimes it's necessary to step outside of the box to create a story contemporary readers will enjoy.

I tend to do more research than is required, but not much. My writing style is to craft the story first and figure out what I need to know and restrict my research to those particular topics. If I don't, I get lost in the research. I love research! But if I want to actually get a book written, I have to shackle my insatiable curiosity concerning all things historical. For Love's Fortress I did some research on the early Methodist Church, a topic I'm wholly unfamiliar with. Or was, anyway. But I ended up cutting that aspect out of the book. I'm sure I'll use it in another book, however. I already have a plot bunny bouncing around it.

So how do you feel about book videos in general? What about historical accuracy in book videos?

Love's Fortress will be released in ebook at Ellora's Cave next week, on Friday, July 23. Below is my dedication and acknowledgements, and if you follow the link it will take you to the blurb and an excerpt. I hope you'll all check it out! I'll post a link to the video in the comments section when it's finished.


This book is dedicated to today’s wounded warriors, service men and women who have been severely injured in the line of duty. May you find as much happiness as my fictional hero. And to those who have dedicated their lives to making that happiness possible for these real-life heroes, I salute you. For more information see The Wounded Warrior Project at

This one also goes out to Bernard Cornwell and Sean Bean, whether they want it or not.


I have to give credit where credit is due. Thanks go out to my siblings, who all helped in the creation of this book. My older brother Will, who first told me about the Forlorn Hope also named this book. My oldest sister, Jeri, who named my last Brothers In Arms (Love In Exile), and who helped me figure out how Gideon was injured in a brainstorming session at the beach with our other two siblings. That session included my sister Charlotte, who is an active service member. She told me about The Wounded Warrior Project.

I created a playlist for this book because my three main characters were all so different and setting a mood when I was in each of their heads helped me stay true to each one. But the most important song was The Beatles’ Blackbird, which was Gideon’s song. I’d like to think that by the end of the book he’d found his moment to be free.

And to Jules, you were invaluable while I was writing this book. Your encouragement and advice helped get me to The End.

As always, none of it would have happened without the love and support of my number one fan, my husband. Every one is for you, honey.


  1. Samantha,
    sounds like you and I have the same take on making the story authentic (sometimes you have to sacrifice total accuracy).

    Think I have a copy of all the early Sharpe books, which I enjoyed.

    And I like the music/character theme aspect. I found a CD titled Durango Saloon for when I was writing Colorado Silver, Colorado Gold, which takes place in Durango and the hero lives in a saloon.

    Good luck with your video :)

  2. Thanks, Terry! You know, I just watched the first episode of Deadwood and when I was reading your post I was thinking about the show and the miners. That's such a great period in American history, rich with detail and story ideas.

    As for the music, I only recently started making playlists for my books, but it really, really works for me.

    Richard Sharpe, both the literary character and the cinematic one played by Sean Bean, makes my heart flutter. Sigh.

  3. Why is it that authors of historical romantic fiction love ressearch? And finding information can be nearly impossible at times. I try to concentrate on dates and the accuracy of the food eaten, prepared and stored. Not easy. It also helps to have a good friend who also loves to research. If I can't find something, she helps. Thanks Rita!

  4. I suppose if we didn't like research we wouldn't write historical fiction, lol. But I love to find that one little interesting bit of historical detail that you can base a scene around. It's so fun looking for those treasures and even better when you find them!
