
Monday, July 12, 2010

And the Title Is...(drumroll...)

I’m putting the finishing touches on my WIP (work-in-progress). Can’t wait to get it turned in to my editor to see how she likes it. Jenny has amazing insight in to what makes a good story and she is gentle yet truthful with her suggestions on my manuscripts. I always know she will take my story and make it better.

But the next step she’ll want to know is if I have any title suggestions. And with that my brain screeches to an undignified halt and gets mired in mud. (Some call it “creative constipation” but I’d rather not go there.) But oh, the agony and the ecstasy of it—wonderful to finish a manuscript and send it off, and … well, you know the ugly truth now. (I know—just had to throw those titles in )

The story takes place in the 1880s in San Diego, California. It involves a dispute over prime grazing land, a treasure, a woman on a mission and a man trying to keep her from getting killed in the process. Not enough info? Well, then I’ll add that along the trail, they fall in love. (This is a romance, after all )

If you need a little more inspiration, these are two pictures that remind me of my hero and heroine--Kate Hudson and Brendan Frazier.

So, the proposal is this…(I know, I know. I’ll stop now.)

Leave your title suggestion(s) here in lieu of a comment. I’ll pick the top two and those “winners” will get an autographed copy of my most recent book, Texas Wedding for their Baby’s Sake. This in no way promises use of the title upon publication (alas, authors have only minimal input on such things), but it should be fun, seeing what suggestions come up.


  1. Hi Kathryn,
    A little more info...a trail from? What the treasure? What's her mission? That would help to formulate a meaningful title. I'm on it!

    Victoria : )

  2. Need a tiny bit more info. I do love making up titles.

  3. Okay -- Names of characters are Caleb Houston--a rancher and Hannah Lansing, heir to a large shipping company. The southern California countryside is involved plus the Coronado islands off the coast. As a work-in progress title, I've been calling it "Coronado Gold". Thanks for your help in advance!

  4. Victoria -- Guess I'd say that SHE is the treasure in Caleb's eyes. But she doesn't see it that way. Her mission is to save her family's company from going under due to pirates.

  5. Sails Under San Diego Skies
    San Diego Gold
    Coronado Sands

    Three to consider. I like to take something out of the story such as a turn of phrase by the hero or heroine.

  6. Grazing My Heart
    Dangerous Treasure
    Wild/Untamed Land
    Land Locked

  7. Thanks for commenting Sally and Rowena! I like the idea of taking a turn of phrase out of the dialogue. I'll have to think on that one a bit more. I like the "sand" idea too. Although "Golden Sands" sounds more like a desert sheik story than a western

  8. Hi Kathryn,
    I like the phrase idea, too...has a lot of potential!

