
Friday, September 4, 2009

Weaving History with Shapeshifters

Even shape shifter stories can revolve around historical facts.

In my werewolf western historical, Moonlight Desperado, soon to be published by Siren-Bookstrand Publishing, the hero's original goal is inspired by Texas history.

The inspiration for the story came from a family story that happened after the Civil War ended. Raiders passing through Texas demanded bedding to sleep on outside my great great grandmother's home. Of course the characters have been changed in my story, Moonlight Desperado.

While researching the time period in Texas, I found an article about General Shelby passing through Texas on his way to Mexico. He stopped in San Antonio on his way. In a book I found at the library, a historian recounts the problem General Shelby had with horse thieves stealing their horses at night. The year that General Shelby crossed Texas turned out to be the same year my great great grandmother was ordered by raiders to provide bedding for them. The same raiders later came back and demanded money.

With a little imagination, my hero took shape, so to speak, as a spy for General Shelby trying to catch the men stealing the General's horses at night. My heroine became the woman alone that night with two little sisters asleep upstairs. Ordered to provide bedding for the raiders in her front yard, she stands up to the men, who include the hero, not knowing they're shape shifters.

According to historical records, General Shelby crossed Texas, bringing order to San Antonio on the way, and became tangled in the political unrest in Mexico.

I find it challenging to weave fiction and fact together for an exciting romance story. Look for Moonlight Desperado coming soon from Siren-Bookstrand. I hope you'll enjoy it.


  1. Hi Jeanmarie,

    Congratulations on your Siren acceptance.

    I'm always impressed by how you weave your family history into stories. It's a wonderful way to feel connected to family and to let readers live in the stories from the past.


  2. Jane,
    Thanks! That's one of the nice things about writing historicals. You can sometimes be inspired by a family story. It makes the story more fun too.


  3. I do like history woven into the stories. It seems to inspire authors and give them a starting point for their stories. If you can slide in shifters, why not?

  4. Hello! I think it is very creative to weave unusual fiction with historical fact. Native American lore is rich with animal legends. The immigrants who came here from all over the world brought their own superstitions and folk tales. gcwhiskas at aol dot com

  5. Congrats on the sale, Jeanmarie!! Sounds awesome the way you wove history with fiction! I love shapeshifters!

  6. funny, you're right this is a different situation, this is one of my favorite features, when the history have a twist in the plot.
