
Wednesday, July 1, 2009

OMG! I'm finished...

Those are the words every author loves to say, but how long do you bask in the glory of "OMG! I'm finished"?

Well, I've been basking in it for about a half-day and I'm already looking at the calendar wondering when I can finish another one. Really, that's bad. I need to let my creative juices replenish the well that is bone dry. I need to play a little. Visit a few blogs. Socialize on my networking communities. Prepare for conference. Well, really what I need to do is get ready for the launch of my next book, but that's an entirely different blog...

I should probably go back through it. Right? I should consider writing an epilogue. Right? At what point can I let them go and accept that my characters really are living their HEA? This feeling of closure isn't comfortable to me right now. I don't want to let go. I like them. I like where they ended up and I want to stay and play a while. Let's face it, we went through Hell to get to the HEA, why can't we play there awhile?

As you can see from the brevity of this post...I'm all out of words...

So help me out here...At what point do you start brainstorming another book? Or are you one of those authors who has stacks of ideas filed away in your head?

Kimberly Killion
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  1. Kimberly -

    I have some characters I don't want to let go of either. They're great people and sometimes it really seems like they are real.

    I know that feeling of being done. Isn't it great? You feel like you really accomplished something.

    Kudos to you!


  2. Congratulations on finishing your manuscript!!!
    I just sent off one manuscript and am 11 chapters away from finishing another. And I have the blurbs for three more already written--sooo I guess you could say that I'm one of those authors with more than one iron in the fire.
    I've usually got 2 books going at the same time. A bad idea really because it's usually easier to focus on one set of characters at a time. But--it's really hard just to concentrate on one when you have all these ideas and soooo little time.
    I've tried to bask in the glow of OMG! I'm finished! and then I don't get another book started for a long time, so I've discovered that it's better to keep writing while your momentum is still there. If you take a break it's too easy to let things slide and too difficult to get back into the chair. So even if you're just writing an article or something keep writing every day. Don't let that buzz go to waste.
    Teresa Reasor

  3. Thanks Wendi! I'm glad to hear I'm not the only one that doesn't want to leave the HEA. ;)

    And congrats back atcha, Teresa! I've got a couple pages on my next idea that I wrote before I dove into the one I just finished. Maybe I'll pull it up and just get me feet wet.


  4. I'm usually brainstorming two while I'm writing the current book. But that's just my over active brain. LOL

  5. Time to kiss the babies goodbye. Hard on any mom, but necessary.

    This is one of the reasons I write series. While the characters I love don't take center stage, they like to pop in for a visit now and again.

    Congrats on finishing. Now go pour a glass of wine, turn on a DVD you've been dying to see, and reward yourself.


  6. Hi Kim! It is hard to let go... I tend to do some fun things with them outside the book, like interview them for blogs, or maybe start another story and give them a brief appearance.

    As for ideas...I have a long list I keep typed up, and I usually work on more than one story at once, so I'm never completely finished.

    Can't wait to read your next book!!! lol, actually I looked at HER ONE DESIRE today and decided to pack if for my trip to read it again :)
