
Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Gratuitous Pimping Post

Today is May 5th 2009. When I picked a day for a monthly post on the Seduced by History blog, I specifically choose the 5th of every month…because of today. The very first book I contracted releases today. If you hear a faint squee in the distance, it is likely me.

Yes, I am quite pleased it is 5/5/09. The last year passed quickly, yet also very slowly. The print publishing world moves at a different pace than the two e-publishers I also write for. But today did finally arrive, and I shall be one happy chick for the next week or so. I plan to make several visits to local bookstores, just so I can gawk at my own book on the shelf. And point at it, and smile at it, and pick it up and pet it, …oh, and take pictures. And I will likely buy a copy at every bookstore I visit. Yes, I get author copies from Berkley, but like I’m going to walk out of a bookstore and not buy my own book??? Yeah, don’t think that will happen. I have author friends with books releasing in May as well, so I foresee myself parting with a nice chunk of change on those visits to bookstores.

In case you haven’t guessed yet, I tend to get rather ridiculously excited about release days. This is actually my fourth book release (I’ve had three Ava March books release since Sept’08, and yes I got all giddy over each of those), but as Her Ladyship’s Companion was my first sale to any publisher, this book holds a special place in my heart.

To celebrate that today is finally 5/5/09, I’m giving away a copy of Her Ladyship’s Companion to a commenter. So leave a comment and on Wednesday, 5/6, at 7pm EST I’ll pick a winner at random and post the name on this blog. The winner can then e-mail me with their name and address, and I’ll have the book winging on its way to the winner.

I should probably tell you a bit about the book, since the object of this post is to pimp the book. Her Ladyship’s Companion is a Regency-set historical romance. It’s a sensual romance, with sex and angst (two things I love in a romance). At its core it’s a love story between a lonely young woman and an equally lonely man, who just happens to be a male prostitute. Two individuals very deserving of love, but who have yet to find it, for various reasons. In Gideon’s case, self-imposed reasons…but as he spends time with Bella, she manages to slip past his defenses until she’s stolen his well-guarded heart. But Bella’s a married lady, and while Gideon plays the part of a gentleman, he's definitely not one by birth. So there’s no hope for them. Or is there? Love can conquer all, can’t it? Of course it can – we’re in Romanceland. :D

And now for the official blurb -

Her Ladyship’s Companion
Available from Berkley Sensation in Trade format

His job was to please her. Not to steal her heart.

In the Scottish countryside of Selkirk, Isabella, Lady Stirling resides at Bowhill Park, serving penance for a sin that nearly ruined her family. For five years she has been condemned to a loveless marriage and confined to the estate where she does little more than tend her rose garden. With her husband absent for months at a time and few visitors, Bella lives a lonely existence, denying the passions that burn within her very soul.

Then her cousin comes for a visit and makes an outrageous suggestion: what Bella needs is a lover. A
hired lover. Despite her need, Bella says no. But soon Mr. Gideon Rosedale arrives – and he is at her service for two weeks. Indulging in what she intends to be a harmless flirtation, Bella is overcome by Gideon’s intoxicating presence. And when she at last permits him to satisfy her desires, she discovers she’s done the unthinkable – she’s fallen in love.

Interested in an excerpt? I hope so, because here it is - excerpt.

To my great delight, the book’s also received some nice reviews. To check them out, go on over to my website - reviews. If you go to the ‘About’ page and scroll through the FAQ, you can also find out about my next work in progress for Berkley, currently titled Seven Nights to Forever.

That’s all for me today. Don’t forget, if you want to win a copy, leave a comment and I’ll pick a winner on Wednesday.



I took all the names of everyone who commented and used the list randomizer on And the name that came out on top is...


Congrats!!! :) Send me an e-mail at Evangeline @ with your name and snail-mail address, and I'll have a copy of HER LADYSHIP'S COMPANION winging on its way to you.

Thanks bunches to everyone who commented!!!! :)
Evangeline Collins
Lush. Elegant. Sensual Historical Romance

Ava March
OBJECT OF HIS DESIRE – Samhain Publishing
Gay Erotic Romance…in the Regency era


  1. Hi, Evangeline and happy release day! :) One of the prettiest covers I've seen and a unique twist on a story line--I foresee huge sales with this story.

  2. You should be over the top excited! Heck, when I sell my first book I'll probably put up a billboard in my front lawn. Congrats and make big sales! Cheryl

  3. Happy release day! It's always great to see a book come out, but you're right, there is something special about the very first one.

    So dance, enjoy the day and may you have many, many sales!

  4. The book sounds wonderful. Congratulations on your exciting day.

  5. I'm looking forward to reading it!

  6. What a great premise! Love the cover! Looking forward to reading it! Happy Release Day!!!:)

  7. Happy release day, Evangeline! Great reviews!

    And of course you buy your own book when you go into the stores - who wouldn't? LOL!

  8. Happy Release Day, Evangeline! I have to say, love the cover, love the premise - this is a definite read for me! I can't wait! Have fun petting your book today!!!

    Jerrica :)

  9. Nicole, happy release day! Can't wait to get my own copy of it!

  10. Janice GoodfellowMay 5, 2009 at 9:58 AM

    I don't think you'll be the only one gawking at it. That cover is sure to draw a lot of attention. Happy realease day!

  11. Congratulations, Evangeline. You know I'm cheering you and this book on in a big way. And looking forward to reading my copy of it, which Books a Million delivered yesterday (before it was released...ooh, I feel so special!).

    Just wanted to pop by to say "hi" and "yay"! No need to enter me in the drawing for the book, since I've already got it.

  12. Congrats on the release!! Oh, I want to win a copy!

  13. Hello Evangeline and a HUGE congrats to you! I don't find your bookstore escapades unusual at all. When I finally get a book published they may have to haul me out of the bookstores for climbing up on top of the shelves and singing at the top of my lungs.

    Gorgeous cover, my dear! Truly kissed by the cover gods! And I am intrigued by your story and the excerpt. Can't wait to read it!

  14. Hi Evangeline!!!
    Congrats on your first release and on getting such an amazingly beautiful cover!!! The story sounds like the kind of historicals I go for. I'll be running to the store and getting my hands on it today.
    Congrats again!!

  15. Happy release day! And what an enticing cover!

    I wish you stellar sales and many more exciting release days:)

  16. How exciting! I'm so happy for you and giving up a squeeee on my eeeee. I hope the intensity of the sales match up with the intensity of your writing.

    All the best to you! And don't you dare give me a free copy. I don't want to cheapen the experience of buying your book from the shelf and clobbering you with it at a meeting for a sig!


  17. I got lucky and read it early and it is truly FABULOUS! Everyone go buy it right now! LOL

  18. Nichole -- man girl, you have been typing your little fingers off! You preseverence in the writing arena is impressive, and such an inspiration for a prepublished one as I...

    BUT all that time nose deep in your story has all been worth it! I read Ava's books, but this one sounds really interesting!

    Please -- pimp all you want! Your books are worth it! Happy book release day! Much success with this one, and future endevors!


  19. Oh I love the cover of this book, it beautiful very eye catching! Sounds like a great read!

  20. Congratulations on your new book being released! The story sounds unique and emotional.

  21. Please, pimp away! A male prostitute is a novel idea for Regency Romance (yes, I'm sooo aware of the puns, but you started it! LOL)

    I'm hooked. Next trip to B&N I'll be looking for this one. Congratulations.

  22. Thanks, everyone, for the kind words!!! I'll admit I do love the book cover - Berkley's art department was very kind to me. All my prayers to the cover gods must have paid off. lol.

  23. Congrats on the release of course but as you know I already bought a copy so I will leave the winning to someone else. The book is awesome and much success with it.

  24. Hi Evangeline, big Congrats! I'm glad I've discovered your writing - the story sounds fabulous and the cover is gorgeous. Look forward to checking it out! Thanks :)

  25. I love the colors on the cover; congrats on release day as I throw confetti and let the helium filled balloons go.
    Would love to read this story and find out questions I have already.

  26. Carol Jo KachmarMay 5, 2009 at 8:45 PM

    I've been waiting for this one ever since you told us about it at a GDRWA meeting - and with that fabulous cover, it should sell like wildfire. May your sales soar!
    Carol Jo


    I took all the names of everyone who commented and used the list randomizer on And the name that came out on top is...


    Congrats!!! :) Send me an e-mail at Evangeline @ with your name and snail-mail address, and I'll have a copy of HER LADYSHIP'S COMPANION winging on its way to you.

    Thanks bunches to everyone who commented!!!! :)
    There were 21 items in your list. Here they are in random order:

    Allison's Reads
    Anne Carrole
    Patti Shenberger
    Delilah Marvella
    Gillian Layne
    Miranda Neville
    Louisa Cornell
    Victoria Janssen
    Kate Pearce
    Vanessa Kelly
    Keena Kincaid
    Sage O'Thomas
    Gwynlyn MacKenzie
    Carol Jo Kachmar
    Sara Tormey

  28. I'm late but wanted to say congratulations on the release! Sounds like an awesome book!
