Where Romance and History Meet - www.heartsthroughhistory.com/


Friday, February 20, 2009

Welcome to our Blog

Welcome to the Hearts Through History Romance Writers of America Chapter 189 blog. We call our selves HHRW for short, much easier than writing the above. HHRW is a special interest group of RWA which specializes in the discussion of different aspects of the historical romance, how they may fit into the genre and how, we as writers, can further perfect and promote our work.

We are a tight-knit community of writers, both published and non-published, and we welcome new members of like mind and like passion to join us on our blog and our chapter. Visit our website by clicking here.

Members of HHRW must be members of Romance Writers of America as well.

Learn more about the chapter on the Hearts Through History Myspace site.

Sign up for the new Seduced By History newsletter that announces the latest releases by Hearts Through History members!

We'll have blogs by our published authors who will talk about their books, discuss historical research, share recipes and daily antics. We will also feature a writer once a month and have guest bloggers from time to time.

Please stop by often and leave comments. We're sure to have prizes to give away!

Melinda Porter
HHRW President

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